#470 "Document" (1987) by REM
For a list with 11 Bob Dylan albums, 10 Beatles and Stones albums, 8 Bruce albums (etc.), I find it to be quite lacking in REM albums. I'm not saying that those acts don't deserve everything that Rolling Stone gives to them (although, c'mon, do they really?), but that for a list that seems to rely very heavily on going back to the same well over and over again, at times including mediocre albums by great artists, why isn't this band one of those, especially when their better-than-mediocre albums aren't even included? REM has a lot of albums that are better than the worst Bruce album, or better than the worst Beatles album. Instead, they have three on the list: "Automatic for the People," "Murmur," and here at #470, 1987's "Document."